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Writer's picture: Argumentative IndiansArgumentative Indians


Hasan Suroor is an experienced writer and journalist with deep interest and knowledge of international affairs, particularly South Asian social and political developments. Special grasp of Muslim issues. Author of “India’s Muslim Spring: Why Is Nobody Talking About It?” Currently working on Muslim liberalism. Extensive contacts in the academia. A demonstrated history of working in the newspapers industry.


It was after 26 years after the making of the #constitution- only in 1976 that ‘#secularism ’ was inserted in the preamble of the Constitution. But did we as Indians walk the path of secularism? Reflections by public Intellectuals in the past few years show that Indian Secularism is dying a slow death. This gradual de-secularization in everyday life has raised questions about India's claim as a democratic nation committed to equality and #socialjustice for all its citizens.

#hindumuslim relations in India are increasingly being shaped by the alleged culpability of Muslims. The Mainstream discourse driven by the so called #Nationalistmedia as amplified by social media is obsessed with the ideas of Un-Indian / Anti-National Muslims being the Jihadist, and the Criminal of all the wrongs.

With India completing its 75th year of Independence in a month all those who talk about the Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb and about shared histories etc- the fact is that the two communities remain apart which is a clear fail of Indian Secularism. We are forced to ask the nation today- What is the place of Muslims in India? And why is the Hindu Right so keen to ‘put them in their place’?

Today, Secularism has become a source of deep schism in Indian society. Supporters of Secularism are targets of hate and ridicule. If not, then why are #muslims in India asked to prove their loyalty to India? Why is Hubbul Watani different from Rashtrawad? Why Muslims are seen as aliens to Indian Ethos? The masses echo that there is a massive potential of peaceful coexistence- then is it the political will that is lacking? Are the incidents of JehangirPuri, Muzafarnagar and NorthEast Delhi still question marks on Indian Secularism? Or did this always exist since the 1984s, 1992s, and 2002s?

Has Indian Secularism Failed? What is the way ahead? What is preferable? A state secular on paper but practicing religious apartheid, or a state with an official religion but secular in practice- a sort of Hindu Rashtra- if needed?


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